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POD 9 included LiaCollis, Klaudia Laszlo, and Jane Mortlock. Using the SOLO taxonomy, I would give the group a âRelationalâ grade. I feel that they have covered the topics taught in the course and they have used them in their project. However, the group still needs to complete the project and engage all the coursework.
I agree with POD 9âs outcomes for the interactive learning resource (ILR). One of the major ideas of creating an ILR is coming up with the expected outcomes. It is necessary for a course to define the outcomes that it is expected to achieve (Bates, 2019). POD 9 came up with a rationale, context, outcomes, and lessons. The main idea of POD 9âs ILR was to have a physical education unit that taught Grade 5 students about dance and movement.
Just like EDCI 335 has taught us, the learning outcomes have to be tied to the activities that are taking place. POD 9 came up with four lessons. Each lesson is meant to teach something about dance to the student.
Probably I misunderstood some points based on assessment, but I would need a clarification on the summative assessment. I understand that POD 9 will not focus on âmarksâ, but on several categories: emerging, developing, proficient, and extending. However, the group does not mention whether they will give any summative assessment. It only mentions formative assessment, which is used for learning purposes where it is possible to give feedback so that a student could improve. Therefore, I would like to see what the group intends to do for the final score of the student. Will the group issue a summative assessment and what will the assessment involve.
I agree with POD 9âs method of interactivity. The group has divided the course into four lessons. Each lesson involves a lot of dance routines. I was afraid that dancing may need to involve face-to-face meetings. However, POD 9 has managed to create groups where they can share dancing lessons. In addition, teaching could take place virtually. The course will involve a lot of interactivity using the groups. There will be breakout rooms over Zoom and even entry ticketing using Bookwidgets. The teacher will be able to take part and give instructions through formative assessment. Finally, the course will involve outside interaction through social media platforms, such as Tik Tok.
The group mentions that they have considered color blindness and ELL students. POD 9 properly addresses ELL students and the design for inclusivity required. However, I would like to request if POD 9 could consider another category of inclusivity other than color blindness. Nonetheless, it further explains that dances are visual activities that do not require specific color use. Therefore, considering that dances are not specific to color, color blindness should not be considered a disability to dancing in the first place. I suggest that the group should pick a different disability that would be more appropriate for dancing.
Posting, citations and proofreading
I like the way POD 9 has written its paper. There are no grammatical errors and the arrangement of the work is encouraging. Mostly, the organization of the website is quite professional. Rather than post the whole project in one webpage, the group has introduced different interactive webpages and buttons. Nevertheless, the ILR contains no citations. I believe that the group could cite or reference the materials that it has obtained from credible sources.