A Student from University of Victoria

EDCI 337 Blog 4

Describe differences between SAMR and SECTIONS

With the availability of several multimedia tools and applications, it has become necessary to gauge which method to use for purposes of learning. In choosing any multimedia technology, it is vital to remember that the main purpose is the success of students in learning the concepts being taught. Therefore, teachers often wonder on how to choose from the different multimedia tools that are available. Two theories have come up that are used in the evaluation of the most appropriate tools at any particular time, SAMR and SECTIONS model.


It stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.

Figure 1: Showing SAMR

It should be noted that SAMR could be viewed as a ladder. A beginner starts at the Substitution to augmentation stage where they only replace the old way of doing things with the new technology. After this, they go to the transformation stage where they start from modification and go to redefinition.


The word SECTIONS is an acronym of several words as shown in figure 2. In selecting a multimedia, it is important to work with SECTIONS.

Figure 2: Showing SECTIONS model

Make sure that the multimedia covers the Students needs and Easy to Use. The media should be Cost effective while have all Teaching functions. In addition, it should allow for Interaction, Organizational compatibility, and Networking with outside experts. It should also be Secure.


Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a digital Age – Models for media selection. https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/teachinginadigitalagev2/chapter/9-1-models-for-media-selection/

H. L. (2017). SAMR model: A practical guide for EdTech integration. Schoology Exchange. https://www.schoology.com/blog/samr-model-practical-guide-edtech-integration

1 Comment

  1. lukejr

    I like the material you have added. Doing this comparison is often a good way to review and remember material.

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