Topic 6, ‘Assessment of Active and Passive Learning and Using Multimedia Tools in Game-Based Learning’ has two main assessment ideas that are interesting. These assessment ideas are:
Design with the End in mind: The main focus is the Understanding by Design (UdD) and the Backward Design process.
Formative and Summative Assessments
My interest was peeked by the Formative and Summative Assessments.
Formative Assessments
Formative assessments are necessary in capturing the learning process. This assessment is used in identifying learning gaps, inducing better understanding, and testing whether the learning outcome has been achieved. The formative assessment is mainly used to prepare students to tackle the summative assessment. It may be inform of practice questions, in-class quizzes, and practice papers.
Summative Assessments
Most students are familiar with this form of learning. It involves the use of final exams. It has been traditionally used because it cost efficient and conforms to the learning experiences given in most schools. It is usually used in creating a grade by testing learning outcomes within a short time. It is mainly disadvantaged because it is summative and does not provide feedback to allow the learner to improve. Nevertheless, it is still used in most flipped learning classes because of its ability in assessing the final learning outcomes.
Figure 1. Showing the difference between Formative and Summative assessments
Edmentum. (2019, September 6). Formative and summative assessments.
Madland, C. (n.d.). 6. Topic – Assessment of active and passive learning and using multimedia tools in game-based learning. EDCI 337.
Anna Wang’s post is quite educative on the idea of gamification. In topic 6, we learned the concept of game-based learning and gamification. It is said that games are becoming vital as tools of multi-media learning and interactive learning. Anna Wang even mentions that she needs to incorporate the some elements of gamification in her final project. The gamification aspect in the final project will allow learners to assume different patient roles. The results for each patient role will then be simulated. Thus, Anna will utilize the multimedia knowledge taught in this course.
I liked the way Bryce presented the knowledge taught in the course. The post shows advanced knowledge in multimedia learning principles. Bryce explained spatial contiguity and split attention. The post shows that Bryce’s math professor did not know how to use spatial contiguity. The math problems filled the blackboard and some space had to be created by deleting the initial workings. However, what was interesting in this post is that Bryce applies his knowledge of multimedia principles by creating an infographic and a Screencastify.
I believe that Omar posted on the multimedia principles that he has experienced in his educational life. He discussed the principle of coherence and spatial contiguity. He said that he has sat through many presentations that were confusing because the presenter failed to remove extraneous material (coherence principle), and/or the images and corresponding textual explanations were far apart that they seemed unrelated (spatial contiguity). Even though Omar explains the two principles thoroughly, he fails to show the importance of the many other multimedia principles.
I liked your blog on AR application to multi-media teaching. The post talks of augmented reality and its application to multimedia. The post is well done because it combines two multimedia tools in form of infographics and two YouTube videos. The infographic was quite educative and gave concise information of Augmented Reality. The infographic followed the multimedia learning principles of spatial and temporal contiguity, coherence, and self-explanation. Nonetheless, I believe your post repeats information on augmented reality because he explains augmented reality in the infographic then repeats the same information in the blog.
I used infographics to update a multimedia object that I had previously created on cybersecurity. I used many of the theories, principles, and skills that I had been taught in the course, EDCI 337. The main idea was to make the multimedia object more effective in knowledge transfer.
Earlier Multimedia
In the earlier infographic, I had not learnt multimedia principles. Therefore, most of the work was self-taught. The infographics had much extraneous material, lacked coherence, and there was no spatial spacing.
I augmented the infographics by using several multimedia principles (Debell, 2020).
Coherence – I removed irrelevant texts and pictures. In a bid to avoid cognitive overload, I created summarized texts in most of the information while representing the other information in form of illustrations or pictures.
Spatial contiguity principle – The new post has proper separations between different cyber security threats. Each threat is then grouped together with a small summary of text form explaining it.
Redundancy principle – The pictures and texts avoid repetitions. Repetitions increase the cognitive overload by making the learner to read the same information twice.
I also used various skills and apps that I learned in the course:
Canva – As taught in the course, I registered for Canva and used it to augment the infographic. Canva is an app that could be used in making brochures, infographics, and posters.
Use of SAMR Model – SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. A beginner will move from the enhancing the multimedia through substitution or augmentation to transforming the multimedia through modification and redefinition. The multimedia I used only augmentation.
Use of SECTIONS Model – SECTIONS is an acronym for students, ease of use, cost, teaching, interaction, organizational issues, networking, and security. The infographic multimedia that I used checks off several boxes, such as students, ease of use, and cost.
With the availability of several multimedia tools and applications, it has become necessary to gauge which method to use for purposes of learning. In choosing any multimedia technology, it is vital to remember that the main purpose is the success of students in learning the concepts being taught. Therefore, teachers often wonder on how to choose from the different multimedia tools that are available. Two theories have come up that are used in the evaluation of the most appropriate tools at any particular time, SAMR and SECTIONS model.
It stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.
Figure 1: Showing SAMR
It should be noted that SAMR could be viewed as a ladder. A beginner starts at the Substitution to augmentation stage where they only replace the old way of doing things with the new technology. After this, they go to the transformation stage where they start from modification and go to redefinition.
The word SECTIONS is an acronym of several words as shown in figure 2. In selecting a multimedia, it is important to work with SECTIONS.
Figure 2: Showing SECTIONS model
Make sure that the multimedia covers the Students needs and Easy to Use. The media should be Cost effective while have all Teaching functions. In addition, it should allow for Interaction, Organizational compatibility, and Networking with outside experts. It should also be Secure.
Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a digital Age – Models for media selection.
H. L. (2017). SAMR model: A practical guide for EdTech integration. Schoology Exchange.
McCue (2021) in his video on infographics, Introduction to infographics with Canva & related multimedia learning principles, highlights several multimedia principles that are used to create effective infographics.
McCue (2020) says that multimedia principles are used to make infographics into learning objects and learning activities. The main idea of using multimedia principles in creating infographics is that people learn from words and pictures rather than from words alone. These multimedia principles are signaling principle, spatial and temporal contiguity principle, coherence principle, and self-explanation principle.
Signaling principle
When cues are added to the infographic, it becomes easier to understand. It is a method of reducing cognitive load by highlighting the most important information.
Figure 1: An infographic showing the signaling principle (DeBell, 2020)
Spatial and temporal contiguity principle
It is easier to learn when the student can easily match the words with the corresponding pictures.
Coherence principle
The principle states that it is easier to learn when extraneous material is excluded from the infographic.
Self-explanation principle
An effective approach is that people will learn more effectively when they generate their own self explanation during learning. An infographic helps learners to seek self-explanations by allowing them to select information, make logical connections, and find graphical representation of the information.
In conclusion, infographics elucidate complex information in a clear and concise manner. They are multimedia tools used in the learning process. Being multimedia tools, infographics use several multimedia principles to enable the learning process to take place.
DeBell, A. (2020). How to use Mayer’s 12 principles of multimedia [Examples Included]. Water bear learning.
McCue, R. (2021, February 20). Introduction to infographics with Canva & related multimedia learning principles [MP4]. YouTube.
I am going to teach my students using an infographic and screencasting. Infographics are used to teach complex subjects in a simplified manner. They represent difficult subjects that are lengthy in a clear and concise format. There are various methods and technological tools to make infographics. Nonetheless, I will use the tool taught in the course EDCI 337, Canva. Canva is said to be a tool that is gaining popularity. It is easy to use and does not require additional software to be installed in a computer because it is hosted directly in the cloud. Canva is used straight in the browser with easy to use features, such as standard templates, objects, drag and drop features, and images.
Additionally, I will combine the use of infographics together with screencasting. I will screencast the infographic and explain it for better understanding of the topic. Screencasts are used to capture the screen. I will use screencastify which was taught in the course EDC1 337 to make the screencast. Screencastify is added as an extension in Google Chrome.
Learning Outcomes
After reading the infographic on global warming learners will be able to know the following:
Broad understanding of global warming
Illustrate the greenhouse effect
Describe the causes of global warming
Explain the effects of global warming to the earth
Elucidate the industrial steps taken to combat global warming
Original Content
Multi-media elements The infographic is explained using Screencastify.
Multimedia learning (MML) principles imply that the combination of words and pictures when creating learning material and during the dissemination of knowledge is better for learning than from words alone (Pastore, 2018). With the recent technological advancements, there have been many applications that create illustrations, such as PowerPoint slides, Prezi, and so on.
However, when the MML principles were first proposed, books were the main focus. Dr. Richard Mayer came up with these MML principles and identified that books can be multimedia if they include illustrations as well as printed text. Subsequently, with the current advancement, this theory has come to be applied in the creation of multimedia elements in a computer environment, such as presentations. It can be said that MML principles were initially focused on illustrations in textbooks, but it is now focused in computer based learning.
In creating multimedia elements in computer based learning, there are three instructional goals that should be achieved.
Reduce extraneous processing: The working memory has limited capacity. Multimedia with many extraneous material increases cognitive load.
Foster essential process: The multimedia should break large ideas into parts and give pre-training for key concepts to facilitate cognitive processing.
Foster generative processing: The multimedia should help integrate what is presented to what is known until it is reorganized to what makes sense to a learner.
The following MML principles are used to achieve the three instructional goals:
Modality/Split Attention: Images that narrate the story are better for learning than words and pictures. For example, in a power point presentation, if a learner has to look at the picture and read the text at the same time (same slide), then they working memory’s load is increased too fast.
Redundancy: Presenting the same information twice in the same space increases the cognitive load. It interferes with learning.
Coherence: Irrelevant information increased cognitive load. It is necessary to remove extraneous material to increase learning. The working memory is limited and should be occupied by only the relevant information.
Signaling: Another way of reducing cognitive load is by inserting cues. Signaling allows the learner to focus mostly on the important terms, concepts, or ideas. The important terms may be highlighted or written in bold.
Interactivity: This is a method that allows the learners to control the pace of the instructions. It assumes that different learners do not understand the instructions or theories at the same rate. Therefore, allowing learners to pause, playback, or jump to the next instructions improves learning performance.
In conclusion, multimedia principles are necessary when working with multimedia in computer based learning. The main focus is to reduce the cognitive load that the working memory is undergoing during the learning process. Proper learning performance takes place when working memory is able to select information from sensory memory, organize information, and integrate the information with prior knowledge.
MacMillan, A. & Turrentine, J. (2021, April 7). Global warming 101. NRDC.
Pastore, R. (2018, August 16). What is multimedia learning? What is multimedia?. YouTube.
Which multimedia learning (MML) principles did Dr. Ray Pastore now follow in his video about MML principles?
Dr, Ray Pastore says that the multimedia learning principle is ‘a combination of words and pictures is better for learning than from words alone.’ To learn this principle, it is necessary to have a starting step.
It is necessary to note that there are three types of memories.
Sensory memory
Working memory
Long term memory
Figure 1: Simple illustration of the three types of memory
The sensory memory picks up what has been seen (visual) and heard (audio). In the case of multimedia, it picks up visuals from illustrations. The narrations/words are either text/written or sounds from the presenter. Texts would go to the visual part of the sensory while sounds go to the ear.
At this juncture, it is necessary to note that a mixture of both illustration and text could overload the visual sensory memory because the learner has to split between looking at the picture/illustration and reading. It is, therefore, necessary to combine an illustration with narration (sound). This idea supports Dr. Ray Pastore multimedia principle. If the text has to be there, it should be short and precise.
Figure 2: Detailed explanation of the three types of memory
The visual and audio from the sensory memory go to the working memory and are rearranged to make meaning to the user. Additionally, the information that is stored in the long-term memory is retrieved and integrated with the current information in the working memory.
In conclusion, going back at Pastore’s multimedia principle, it is vital to combine words and pictures. Words and pictures do not overload the memory, but increase cognitive processing.
Pastore, R. (2018, August 16). What is multimedia learning? What is multimedia?. YouTube.